Vegetation management and the Emissions Reduction Fund

The Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) provides landholders with an opportunity to earn an alternative source of income through the management of native vegetation. Doing this will also assist in reducing Australia’s carbon emissions by not clearing and/or allowing forests to regrow.

Participation in the ERF

To participate in the ERF scheme, applicants will need to meet the regulatory additionality requirement which aims for genuine abatement measures that are additional to existing regulation. For vegetation management projects, this means that abatement activities will generally only be credited where the vegetation is not regulated, and can legally be cleared.

Questions on possible projects under the ERF, including the use of different methodologies for estimating emissions reductions from various activities, should be directed to the Clean Energy Regulator.

Contact us

For more information about your property, including vegetation types and historical satellite imagery and aerial photography, call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or contact your nearest business centre.

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