Restart your apprenticeship or traineeship

If your apprenticeship or traineeship is cancelled, you can start again by setting up a new training contract with a new employer.

We call this 'recommencement'.

To recommence your apprenticeship or traineeship, you must:

We also recommend that you:

  • keep your training record and show it to your new employer to demonstrate what training you've already completed
  • apply for time credit for the time you've already done in your previous apprenticeship or traineeship—this will reduce the overall completion time (time it takes to complete).

Continuing interstate

If you started your training in Queensland, and want to continue it interstate, you can apply for an extract of service from us, which documents the time you've already spent doing your apprenticeship or traineeship.

Help for cancelled apprentices and trainees

As a cancelled apprentice or trainee, we can help you with:

  • free job-matching service
  • financial assistance to keep training

Learn more about help for cancelled apprentices and trainees.