Harvest quotas and zones

Macropod populations are affected by factors such as rainfall (which influences food and water availability), predation and harvesting.

Annual aerial surveys (PDF, 289.5 KB) are used to collect data on macropod populations. The harvest quota set for each species is a proportion of the estimated population size in each harvest zone.

Population estimates are used to set the number of each macropod species that can be harvested. This number is known as the harvest quota.

Quotas in Queensland are set between 10 and 20% of the estimated population for each species, with regard to:

  • population trends
  • review of previous harvests
  • the extent of non-commercial harvest
  • the proportion of the population not subject to harvesting
  • non-harvest mortality and its significance
  • rainfall trends
  • reports of damage to primary production.

These sustainable-use harvest proportions are based on scientific research and modelling and are currently accepted by the scientific community, the Queensland Government and the Australian Government for determining state quota limits. There are six harvest zones in Queensland.

Zone 1

Boulia, Burke, Carpentaria, Cloncurry, Diamantina, Mount Isa.

Zone 2

Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Flinders, Longreach, McKinlay, Richmond, Winton.

Zone 3

Bulloo, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie.

Zone 4

Balonne, Goondiwindi, Maranoa, Western Downs.

Zone 5

Banana, Bundaberg, Burdekin, Central Highlands, Charters Towers, Croydon, Etheridge, Gladstone, Isaac, Livingstone, Lockyer Valley, Mackay, North Burnett, Rockhampton, Scenic Rim, Somerset, South Burnett, Southern Downs, Toowoomba, Whitsunday.

Harvest period

Each year a Harvest Period Notice defines the start and end dates for the macropod harvest period, the sizes of macropods that may be taken and the shires in Queensland where each species may be harvested.

The annual harvest can be reviewed at any time to consider changing circumstances, such as the effects of drought or disease. If the harvest approaches the annual quota, the harvest period may be closed earlier.