Meter service charges

South East Queensland

For South East Queensland customers, the amount charged by retailers for standard accumulation meter services is set by the Australian Energy Regulator and depends on the metering you have.

Charges for digital meters are not regulated.

Many retailers add metering charges to the daily supply charges.

In South East Queensland, if your electricity retailer proposes to replace a working meter with a digital meter, they must inform you of any upfront charges for the installation and what those charges will be.

Regional Queensland

Customers on regulated (notified) prices

The cost of metering is included in the notified prices and is additional to the regulated retail electricity tariffs. Meter service charges may appear as a separate charge on your electricity bill or may be added to the daily supply charge. All new or replacement meters must be an advanced digital meter (digital meter).

For regional Queensland customers on standing offer contracts, the Government tasks the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) with setting prices for digital metering services.

The QCA bases these small customer (residential and small business) charges on the Australian Energy Regulator approved prices for Energex’s standard meters. This ensures that customers, who do not have any genuine choice as to the type of meter they receive, pay the same regardless of what type is installed at their premises or where they live.

All small customers in regional Queensland will pay the same for each of their metering services, regardless of the type of meter they have.

Metering charges cover costs associated with providing meter services, such as:

  • purchase or capital cost of the metering equipment
  • the onsite connection of a meter
  • works to inspect, test, maintain, repair and replace meters
  • quarterly or other regular reading of the meter
  • processing, storage, delivery and management of metering data.

Contact your electricity retailer for more information about your metering service charges, or before the installation of a new meter.

Find out more about digital meters.

Customers on market contracts

For regional customers on market contracts, charges for digital meters are not regulated. The amount charged by retailers for standard accumulation meter services is set by the Australian Energy Regulator and depends on the metering you have.

Many retailers include metering charges in the daily supply charges.

New billing arrangements with digital meters

With a digital meter, you may select more frequent billing options (e.g. monthly or fortnightly) which may assist you with budgeting. Unlike existing monthly billing products, which are based on estimates, these bills will be based on your actual consumption data transmitted daily from the digital meter.

Electricity retailers may also offer electricity customers with digital meters the ability to select their preferred billing date as electricity retailers are not bound by manual meter reading cycles. Contact your retailer for more information.

Find out more about the new arrangements

Current electricity prices

Customers in regional Queensland are strongly encouraged to contact Ergon Energy Retail for advice and information on current electricity prices and available tariffs.

In South East Queensland, customers can contact their electricity retailer for the latest electricity prices and advice on tariffs.

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