Open forest to woodland dominated by brown salwood or other wattle (Acacia) species with Syzygium species, bloodwoods and/or parinari

Acacia torulosa and Syzygium suborbiculare low open forest in swale between old dunes, near Ninian Bay, Cape Melville NP, CYP.
Acacia torulosa and Syzygium suborbiculare low open forest in swale between old dunes, near Ninian Bay, Cape Melville NP, CYP.
VJ Neldner

Habitat type: Open forest to woodland dominated by brown salwood or other wattle (Acacia) species with Syzygium species, bloodwoods and/or parinari.

Description: This vegetation type occurs in northern Queensland on beach ridges and coastal dunes. Brown salwood (Acacia crassicarpa) is a consistent and usually dominant component of the sparse and discontinuous canopy (6-20m tall). It has a sparse to mid-dense shrub layer and a sparse ground layer.