Low open forest to woodlands dominated by swamp box or brush box or turpentine, frequently with sheoak species on rocky hill slopes.

Lophostemon confertus and Acacia leiocalyx open scrub, SE of Considine Bay, North Keppel Island NP, CQC.
Lophostemon confertus and Acacia leiocalyx open scrub, SE of Considine Bay, North Keppel Island NP, CQC.
JE Kemp
Lophostemon confertus dominated open forest, near Binna Burra, SEQ.
Lophostemon confertus dominated open forest, near Binna Burra, SEQ.
VJ Neldner

Habitat type: Low open forest to woodlands dominated by swamp box or brush box or turpentine, frequently with she-oak species on rocky hill slopes.

Other key words: Tall shrubland.

Description: This vegetation group is found on steep ridges, slopes and crests on rolling hills to mountains. Brush box (Lophostemon confertus) and/or swamp box (L. suaveolens) often dominate the mid-dense canopy. Eucalyptus portuensis, red luster (Syncarpia glomulifera), forest/rose she-oak (Allocasuarina torulosa) and/or black she-oak (A. littoralis) dominate in some areas. Shrub layers, when present, are very sparse to sparse and the ground layer ranges from very sparse to mid-dense.