Continue your apprenticeship or traineeship after school

School-based apprenticeships can't be completed before graduation because they take longer than that.

Many school-based traineeships are also not completed before graduation due to the length of the traineeship (some are longer than others), the date you start your traineeship and the year you are in at school, and other factors.

To continue your apprenticeship or traineeship, an automatic conversation process of your training contract from school-based to full-time is carried out by us the day after you graduate from school.

You'll receive a letter from us alerting you to the change and options (e.g. converting to part-time instead of full-time).

Once you convert to a full-time or part-time arrangement:

  • you, your employer and training organisation will need to review the training plan
  • you'll have to pay student contribution fees to your training organisation (check with your employer, as some employers are willing to pay these fees)
  • you'll be employed under wages and conditions that apply to full-time or part-time apprentices and trainees (which are generally different to wages and conditions for school-based apprentices and trainees).

Learn more about:

Leaving school before end of Year 12

If you leave school before graduation, but want to continue your apprenticeship or traineeship, you'll need to change your training contract to either full-time or part-time.

Learn how to change your training contract.