Training problems

If you're having issues with training or your training organisation during your apprenticeship or traineeship, we can help.

Summary of your training entitlements

As an apprentice or trainee, you are entitled to:

If these things are not happening, we can help you deal with the issue.

But first, try to resolve the issue yourself by using our problem-solving tips.

Resolve specific problems

I'm falling behind in my training

Your employer and training organisation need to know if you're not coping with your training. Once they know about the issue, they can help you get back on track.

You should:

  1. Discuss the delays with your employer and training organisation.
  2. Consider alternatives such as
    1. extending the training contract to allow you more time (if your end date is close)
    2. changing the 'mode of delivery' of your training plan to better suit your learning style (e.g. from online to face-to-face).

I'm not being trained

We take this seriously. Your employer must train you, as outlined in your training plan and if this is not happening, we need to know.

You should:

  1. First, speak to your supervisor or boss, trying to resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. If this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.

I'm not being released to go to training

You must be released for training, and this is written down in your training plan.

You should:

  1. Speak to your boss, by trying to resolve it yourself—use our problem-solving tips.
  2. Speak about this with your training organisation.
  3. If this fails, contact us at Apprenticeships Info.

I can't get my training record signed

Feedback, through regular review of your training record, is an essential part of your training.

You should:

  1. Speak to your training organisation first.
  2. if this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.

I'm unhappy with my training organisation

Before you complain about your training organisation, try to solve the problem yourself first.

You should:

  1. Understand their responsibilities to see if they are meeting them.
  2. Try to resolve it yourself by using our problem-solving tips.
  3. If this fails, use their dispute resolution process—ask for a copy of this process and follow it.
  4. If this fails, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.
  5. If this fails, you can change your training organisation.

I want to complain about my training organisation

Before you lodge a formal complaint about your training organisation, read our advice above.

Learn more about how to make a complaint.