Deliver and monitor training

Deliver training and assessment

Training is most effective when it is designed to suit the qualification, the needs of the employer, and the needs and learning style of the apprentice or trainee.

Different methods and places can be used to deliver training. These options must be negotiated and outlined in the training plan.

You must ensure the training and assessment listed in the training plan is delivered to the apprentice or trainee.

You may choose to deliver training using flexible delivery methods such as:

  • video links
  • teleconferencing
  • correspondence
  • workbooks
  • online self-paced learning
  • an internet classroom link.

Training may be provided:

  • in the workplace
  • at your premises
  • at an appropriate alternative environment.

If you agree, training can be delivered by a qualified employer in the workplace. This type of training involves the apprentice or trainee developing the set skills as part of normal work.

If this is the case, you will need to:

  • support and mentor the employer and apprentice or trainee
  • monitor the training delivery
  • validate assessments.

Deal with disputes over competence

As the supervising registered training organisation (SRTO), you will have to decide whether the apprentice or trainee has 'achieved competency' in each unit outlined in their training plan.

Sometimes, there is a disagreement about an apprentice's or trainee's competence. Try to resolve the dispute through your own internal complaints process first.

If the dispute can't be resolved in this way, the apprentice/trainee and/or employer can:

  1. ask us, at Apprenticeships Info, to help resolve it
  2. or
  3. refer it to the Queensland Training Ombudsman.

Provide learning support

Every apprentice or trainee is entitled to learning support, so you must:

  • test your apprentice's or trainee's literacy, numeracy and digital skills at the start
  • provide learning and assessment support, if needed
  • customise support to your apprentice's or trainee's needs
  • adjust your training and assessment methods to suit your apprentice's or trainee's needs
  • assign your apprentice or trainee to a dedicated learning support officer, if available.

Monitor progress

You must monitor the progress of apprentices and trainees to make sure they are developing the skills and knowledge outlined in their training plan.

It is most effective when you talk regularly with the apprentice or trainee and their workplace supervisor to:

  • discuss progress
  • identify any further support needed
  • adjust plans for training and assessment as required (if they are having trouble achieving competence)
  • negotiate further opportunities for training and assessment.

Update the training record

The training record must be reviewed and updated by you and the employer at least every 3 months. This provides an opportunity for all parties to gauge how the apprentice or trainee is progressing.

Review the workplace

You must also update the employer resource assessment (ERA) at least every 3 months to check that the workplace still offers adequate facilities, range or work and supervision for their apprentice or trainee.

This is often done while reviewing the training record.

Review the training plan

Review and adjust the training plan:

  • as necessary depending on how the apprentice or trainee is progressing
  • and
  • in consultation with all parties.

Training delays

If is your responsibilities to check that the apprentice or trainee is progressing, as planned, through their training plan.

You must deal with any delays immediately.

To resolve any training delays, you must:

  1. Make sure all parties understand the apprentice's or trainee's training obligations.
  2. Discuss options and negotiate a way for the apprentice or trainee to complete their training. Options include:
    1. checking that appropriate learning support is in place
    2. changing the type or level of qualification
    3. extending the training contract (if the end date is close)
    4. changing the style of training and assessment to suit the apprentice's or trainee's needs.

If the apprentice's or trainee's progression continues to be an issue, report it to us at Apprenticeships Info.