Video gallery

View videos featuring aspects of the surveying and mapping history of Queensland. Narrated by Bill Kitson, founder and original curator of the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying, the videos capture social history and include maps, plans, photographs, artefacts, biographies and documents.

Why a Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying

Fifth Field Survey Company

Clocks and standard time in Queensland

Rescue from Rattlesnake Island

Surveyor Hull and artwork

Surveyors boxes

The calculator collection

Jondaryan base line

Land ballots

'We of the survey' illustrated poem

Photography taken by the department

Instruments for measuring angles

Instruments for measuring distances

Camera for taking aerial photography

Carnegie Institute of Washington sandstone block

Mile post from Queensland NSW Border

Seal of the Registrar of Titles

Instruments for measuring heights

Drafting instruments

The standard yard

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