Introduction agent industry breaches and penalties

Unlicensed or disqualified

Working as an introduction agent whilst unlicensed is against the law. The maximum fine is $30,960.

Disqualifying offences

We will cancel your licence if you’re convicted of a disqualifying offence. You will have 14 days to return your licence to us.

The maximum fine for failing to do so is $3,096.

Change of details

You must advise us in writing within 30 days about any changes to:

  • personal and business details
  • any aspect of your licence.

The maximum fine for failing to notify us is $7,740.

Trade conduct

You must follow certain conduct if you’re an introduction agent. If you do not, you risk being fined.

Type of offence Maximum penalty
Employing a person under the age of 18 $30,960
Having clients under the age of 18 $30,960
Not conspicuously displaying licence at the place you do business $30,960
Not displaying licence on all communications with actual or potential clients $30,960
Not following prescribed restrictions on payments $30,960
Failure to give full refund as required $30,960
False representations by introduction agents, employees or associated persons $83,592

Inspector's powers

Inspectors have the legal authority to make sure that you don’t break the law. You must follow their lawful directions, or you risk a fine.

Offence Maximum penalty
Obstructing an inspector or someone helping an inspector in the exercise of powers $30,960 or 1 year imprisonment
Fail to comply with an information requirement of an inspector $30,960 or 1 year imprisonment
Fail to comply with a personal details requirement of an inspector $7,740
Fail to comply with a document production requirement of an inspector $30,960
Knowingly give false or misleading information or a document containing false or misleading information to an inspector $30,960 or 2 years imprisonment