Reviewable properties

Reviewable properties are homes with special features such as wheelchair access or five (5) or more bedrooms.

We don’t own a lot of these properties. To make sure they’re available for people who need the features of the property, tenants living in these properties will have their circumstances reviewed regularly.

What if I live in one of these properties?

If you live in a property with five or more bedrooms, you must prove that you still need a large property.

If you live in a wheelchair accessible property, you must prove that the person requiring wheelchair accessibility is still living at the property or stays there often.

If you have proved to us that you still need your property, you do not have to move. We will regularly review your circumstances to make sure you are still eligible.

What if I can't prove I still need this property?

If you don't need five or more bedrooms or a wheelchair accessible property anymore, the department will record this information.

If there is someone on the housing register who does need these features, we will talk with you about transferring to another property. We will find you a property that suits your housing needs.

You will not be asked to move until there is a person on the housing register who needs the property you are living in.

What if I cannot afford to move or have made improvements to the home?

We may help you with reasonable moving costs or reconnection of services.

If you have made improvements to the property, we may pay you reasonable costs of the improvement, as long as:

  • you had prior approval from us
  • they were performed by a qualified contractor
  • they add value to the property.

You can remove any improvements you paid for and take them with you as long as the property returns to its original condition.

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