Living in units

Information for Queensland public housing tenants

Unit complexes managed by body corporate

Generally, when public housing tenants live in a unit complex, all units in the complex are owned by the department and are public housing units.

However, sometimes only 1 or 2 units in a complex are owned by the department and used as public housing units. The other units are owned by people who might live there or rent the unit to someone else.

These complexes are managed by a ‘body corporate’—a legal structure that enables the unit owners to work together.


When you move into a unit complex managed by a body corporate, we give you a copy of the by-laws.

By-laws are rules for living in your complex as established by the body corporate. Everyone must obey these rules.

The rules are usually about noise, visitor behaviour, pets and common property (i.e. how to use it and what happens if it gets damaged).

You must comply with the by-laws as a condition of your state tenancy agreement or you’ll be in breach of your agreement.

Tenant concerns

Contact your nearest Housing Service Centre if you have any concerns about the unit complex you live in.

As the property owner, we work closely with the body corporate to resolve issues affecting the people living in our properties.