Abbreviations and symbols

Database names


​APDB ​Aerial Photography Database
ATS  ​Automated Titles Systems
​CISP  ​Computer Inventory of Survey Plans
​DCDB  Digital Cadastre Database
​GLR  ​Government Land Register
​QVAS  ​Queensland Valuation and Sales
​Notings  ​Notings Database
​PNDB  Place Names Database​
​SCDB  ​Survey Control Database
​WERD  ​Water Entitlements Registration Database

In this guide:

  1. Database names
  2. Tenure
  3. Features
  4. Valuations
  5. Lease tenure reference
  6. Survey control
  7. Survey control report content
  8. Historical descriptions
  9. Government land register
  10. Aerial photography

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