Collecting ammunition in Queensland

Prescribed ammunition collectors

A prescribed ammunition collector may be a:

  • museum
  • the Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch)
  • a sub-branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch)
  • person who is a member of a collectors’ association approved by the Chief Inspector of Explosives.

A prescribed ammunition collector can purchase, possess, sell, transport and store collectors’ ammunition, but not import, export or use the ammunition.
They are authorised only while remaining a member of an approved collectors association.

Becoming approved as a collectors’ association

An association may apply to the Chief Inspector for approval as a collectors’ association.

To approve an association as a collectors’ association, the Chief Inspector must be ‘reasonably satisfied’ that the association:

  • keeps a record of the name and address of each member of the association
  • sends written correspondence to all its members at least once a year
  • will, with the consent of the association’s members, make the names and addresses of its members available.

Currently approved collectors’ associations

These collectors associations are currently approved:

  • Arms Collectors’ Guild of Queensland Inc.
  • Historical Arms Collectors’ Branch of the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia
  • Australian Cartridge Collectors’ Association
  • 11th Light Horse Caboolture Troop & Military Museum Association Inc
  • Firearm Designer Theamic Collectors Association Inc.
  • Queensland Living History Federation
  • Asset Firearm and Crossbow Club

In this guide:

  1. Applying for a licence to collect ammunition
  2. Prescribed ammunition collectors
  3. Storing small arms ammunition
  4. Importing collector's ammunition

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