Replacing a defective Takata airbag

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is supporting the compulsory Takata airbag safety recall.

In 2019, following a request from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Department of Transport and Main Roads agreed to impose a series of escalating penalties, including cancelling registration, if a vehicle's owner doesn't have its defective airbags replaced.

We have recently issued 'Propose to Cancel Registration' notices to vehicle owners who have not had their airbag replaced after multiple warnings from manufacturers and the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

If you receive a notice, should follow the directions on it to avoid further action.

Your registration will be cancelled if you don't respond to this final request.

If your vehicle’s registration is cancelled:

  • you will be notified in writing
  • any remaining registration fees will be refunded to you according to existing refund policies.

Unregistered vehicles are uninsured and and are not allowed to be driven on the road unless you have an unregistered vehicle permit. You won't be covered for personal injury if you are involved in a crash. You may be fined if you drive an unregistered or uninsured vehicle. Find more information on how to register your vehicle.