Changing a regulation module

There are 5 regulation modules for bodies corporate in Queensland.

The regulation module that applies to your body corporate is listed in its community management statement.

Contact Titles Queensland to find out what module applies to your body corporate.

A body corporate can change its regulation module at any time if it:

  • passes a special resolution at a general meeting to change its community management statement
  • meets the criteria set out in the module.

General meeting motion

This information is for bodies corporate registered under the:

  • Standard Module
  • Accommodation Module
  • Commercial Module

A general meeting motion proposing to change the regulation module must include an explanatory note in the approved form which outlines the effects a change in the regulation module will have. The approved form is the BCCM Form 19.

The explanatory note must be sent with the voting paper for the general meeting.

Small and Two-lot schemes

If your scheme is registered under the Small Schemes Module or the Specified Two-Lot Schemes Module you do not have to include the form 19 explanatory note with a motion or proposal to change the regulation module.

To find out more about the Small Schemes Module, see:

For more on the Specified Two-lot schemes Module see:

Criteria to change

You can only change your body corporate to a different regulation module if your scheme meets the criteria set out in the new module.

Standard Module

There are no restrictions under the Standard Module.

Accommodation Module

Under the Accommodation Module, the lots are mostly accommodation lots (or were when the community management statement was recorded).

An accommodation lot is a lot that is let, available to be let, or is part of a hotel.

Commercial Module

Under the Commercial Module, lots are mostly commercial lots (or were intended to be when the community management statement was recorded).

A commercial lot is for commercial, retail or industrial use, and is not an accommodation or residential lot.

Small Schemes Module

Under the Small Schemes Module there are no more than 6 lots, the scheme is not layered and there is no letting agent.

Specified Two-lot Schemes Module

Under the Two-lot Schemes Module, there are only 2 lots and both are residential (or were when the identifying this regulation module was recorded).

The scheme is not layered and there is no letting agent.