CPR and warning signs

If you have a pool, you must display a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) sign prominently.

If you’re building a new pool, you must display a warning sign during construction and a CPR sign when it’s completed.

CPR signs

If you’re replacing a CPR sign, ensure it:

  • is attached to the pool’s safety barrier or displayed near the pool, so a person near the pool can see it easily
  • is at least 300mm x 300mm in size
  • is made of durable and weatherproof material
  • includes a prominent statement explaining how to act in an emergency (e.g. call Triple Zero (000), stay with the injured person, provide first aid).

Information to be displayed on CPR signs

CPR signs must show how to perform CPR in line with the technique published in ANZCOR Guideline 8 – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (PDF, 669KB), published by the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation (ANZCOR) in January 2016.

Note: In April 2021 ANZCOR published a revised version of the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Guideline 8 (PDF, 193KB). There has been no change to the procedures for performing CPR as set out in the revised guideline.

Warning signs

If you’re building a swimming pool, you must display a sign stating it’s under construction before construction starts.

The warning sign must:

  • warn people that a swimming pool is under construction and there is a danger to young children accessing the land (e.g. 'Danger. Swimming pool under construction. Keep children out.')
  • be placed within 1.5m of the land’s road frontage
  • be mounted so the bottom of the sign is at least 300mm above ground level
  • be positioned so it’s visible from the road
  • be made of weatherproof material
  • have the warning written in bold text at least 50mm high.

If the land has more than one road frontage, you only need a warning sign on one.

This requirement doesn’t apply to portable pools that don’t require a building approval.