Oral health for teenagers

By 12 years of age, most children have all their adult teeth except their third molars (wisdom teeth). Continuing the good oral hygiene habits started in childhood will help prevent oral health diseases for teenagers.

Drink well

Tap water remains the drink of choice, particularly tap water that contains fluoride as it helps protect teeth against decay. Avoiding drinks that contain added sugars, such as soft drinks, cordials, juices, sports drinks, energy drinks and flavoured milk is also still a good defence against tooth decay.

Eat well

Teenagers should eat a variety of healthy foods, avoiding those high in sugar to improve general health and oral health. With snacks, diary-based snacks are protective against decay. Avoid regular snacking on sweet or processed foods as they increase the risk of tooth decay.

Clean well

Teeth should be brushed twice a day with a small, soft toothbrush, and flossed daily. Avoid medium or hard toothbrushes as they may damage teeth and gums.

Using a fluoride toothpaste, gently clean all surfaces of the teeth and along the gumline, remembering to spit but not rinse the toothpaste. Rinsing after brushing rinses away protective fluoride from the teeth.

Stay well

Don’t wait until there is a problem. Regular dental check-ups are important to keep teeth, gums and mouth healthy. Most children and teenagers in Queensland are eligible for free public dental care.

Wearing mouthguards for sport

Accidents involving teeth and related oral tissue are very common, a considerable number of these injuries occur during contact sport.

A mouthguard can minimise injuries to teeth, the jaw and surrounding tissue. Mouthguards that are custom made by a dental practitioner fit the mouth more accurately and are recommended over the ‘over the counter’ mouthguards.

Avoid smoking

Smoking increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer, as well as causing stained teeth and bad breath. Quitting smoking is the best thing for oral and general health. For help quitting, contact Quitline on 13 QUIT (13 78 48) or visit the Quitline website.

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