Temporary relocation guide

Long term care

The QLTS oversees the lifetime care of liver transplant patients with the patient’s general practitioner and/or regional Hepatologist. If a patient moves interstate or overseas, they can be referred to another liver transplant unit for ongoing management. For the first 12 months post-transplant, patients are reviewed fortnightly or monthly in clinic at the Princess Alexandra Hospital either in person or via telehealth. The clinics are held on Monday mornings. Appointment details are provided to patients. After the first post-transplant year, clinic visits reduce to 3 monthly or according to need.

Over time, the number of clinic visits generally reduces to once or twice a year. Blood test results are continually monitored by the QLTS coordinators and medical staff. If a review is needed, the patient might be recalled to the PAH as either an inpatient or an outpatient for further testing or treatment. The PTSS implications are similar to those of step 1 or 2.  Often a support person is needed as the patient is unwell or needing emotional or mental health support.

If the regional patient dies during any of the 4 steps of assessment and treatment, the PTSS subsidy relating to a deceased person as outlined in the PTSS Guidelines applies.

In this guide:

  1. Key points
  2. Referral for liver transplantation
  3. Processes and help with costs
  4. Step 1: Referral
  5. Step 2: Assessment
  6. Step 3: Case presentation
  7. Step 4: Treatment pathways
  8. Relocation and financial assistance
  9. Brisbane accommodation information
  10. Staying in Brisbane after discharge to home region
  11. Long term care
  12. Waiting times
  13. Impact of relocation on patients and families

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