Funding acknowledgment requirements

The Queensland Government must be acknowledged in any promotional activity or items where funding has been received from the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI).

This information sets out how funding recipients are required to acknowledge their project funding and should be used in conjunction with the funding instrument/agreement. If your agreement provides extra details, then follow those in the first instance.

Confidentiality obligations

Confidentiality obligations are specified in the funding agreement/instrument. There are restrictions on making press release or other announcements relating to the project without the department’s approval. Approval will not usually be given to announce or release the project by the recipient prior to any government announcement.

Recipients must seek and obtain the department’s approval before contacting the media to discuss any information regarding successful or unsuccessful applications for funding support. Funding decisions and assessment outcomes are considered confidential until announced by the Queensland Government.

Where funding should be acknowledged

Recipients are required to acknowledge the Queensland Government’s funding support in materials developed in relation to the project through the inclusion of the acknowledgement statement, and where appropriate, the Queensland Government Coat of Arms.

Materials may include, but are not limited to:
Communication material Queensland Government Coat of Arms Funding acknowledgement statement DESI Approval required*
Annual reports optional ×
Advertising* * (TV and print)
Advertising* * (radio) ×
Brochures and posters
Invitations or registration brochures and conference programs
Magazine articles × ×
Media releases ×
Newsletter articles optional ×
Other printed documents, multimedia material and promotional items Please contact us
Presentations (PowerPoint etc) optional ×
Signage (buildings, vehicles etc)
Speeches × ×
Social media × Notified only: three business days in advance of the publication
TV, radio and newspaper coverage by the media × × ×

*Items for departmental approval must be submitted at least 10 business days before being released/published. To arrange approvals or for more information, please contact your relevant departmental contact.

**Advertising that includes the Queensland Government Coat of Arms must follow a strict process and requires additional approval time. If the funding recipient intends to include the Queensland Government Coat of Arms on paid advertising, please speak with the relevant department contact as early as possible.

Queensland Government Coat of Arms usage guide

The Queensland Government Coat of Arms is the sole identifier for all our communication and marketing materials. There are strict guidelines about when and how the Queensland Government Coat of Arms (logo/crest) must be used.

Guidelines for use include:

  • The mono black stylised two-line side-stacked logo on a white background is preferred.
  • Preferred placement is the lower right-hand side of any materials.
  • The Coat of Arms elements may not be separated.

For full usage guidelines and image files contact your relevant departmental contact.

Statement usage guide

The following statement should be used to acknowledge the funding that you have received from the Queensland Government as detailed in the table above.

The standard acknowledgement is:

The (insert project name) is proudly funded/supported through the Queensland Government’s [xxx] program.

If there are partners:

The (insert project name) project is proudly funded/supported through the Queensland Government’s [xxx] program and delivered through/by <proponent> and <suppliers>.

Social media

Acknowledgement of the Queensland Government’s support must be included in all relevant social media posts (including project updates, openings etc).

This can include the appropriate departmental handle or program hashtag listed below.


@QldEnvironment (X or Twitter)

@qldscience (X or Twitter)

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation must be notified three business days in advance of the publication of social media to enable collaboration and sharing.


Queensland Government support for infrastructure must be acknowledged with permanent signage. Permanent signage must be in place within 30 days of construction being completed, or at the time of an official opening (whichever is sooner) and must remain in place for one year after the project is complete.

The Coat of Arms and partner logo should be of sufficient and equal size to allow easy recognition and readability, considering the type of sign, positioning and visibility.

For full guidelines and image files contact your relevant departmental contact.

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