Flood Community of Practice

The Flood Community of Practice is a Queensland focused group of professionals from diverse disciplines who all have an interest in flood and water management.

Flood Community of Practice members have backgrounds in the public sector, industry, universities, NGOs, and also include international counterparts from around the world.

The role of the Flood Community of Practice is to provide foundational awareness, skills and expertise to Queensland’s professionals and organisations who are involved in integrated flood risk management. This platform provides an opportunity for flood risk management initiatives in Queensland to be planned, developed and implemented based on an understanding of effective approaches used in Australia and other parts of the world, and adapted to meet specific Queensland urban and regional needs.

Media can contact the Flood Community of Practice directly to discuss flood events – current or previous. The Flood Community of Practice may also be able to identify an appropriate expert from its membership to provide a background briefing and/or interview.

To connect with Flood COP visit: 