School management

These are some commonly referenced procedures related to school and student management.

A procedure is a step-by-step guide that helps schools:

  • meet all their legal responsibilities
  • comply with relevant standards and policies.

Contact your school first if you have any questions or concerns.

Find school contact details in the schools directory or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

School dress code

Dress codes are developed by each school in consultation with the community. They are based on community standards, affordability and safety. Your school will have a dress code but may choose to not have a uniform.

A dress code tells the student and the parents what clothing must be worn by students while attending, or representing, the school. This may include headwear, footwear and other items of personal appearance like hair styles and jewellery.

All students are expected to comply with the student dress code. Students who don't follow the dress code can face detention and may not be able to take part in some school activities.

Contact your school if you are having financial difficulties and can't afford to buy school uniforms (if your school has one).

Find school contact details in the schools directory or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Fees and contributions


Schools can charge fees for some programs. These include commercial activities and some distance education programs. Schools with enrolment management plans (catchment maps) can charge processing fees for students who live outside the catchment area.

See the full list of state education fees.

Contact your school if you:

  • are having difficulty paying fees
  • have any concerns that unpaid fees may prevent your child attending school trips or activities.

Find school contact details in the schools directory or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Visit enrolment for more information on catchment areas.

Overseas students

Fees may apply for overseas students.

Voluntary financial contributions

Schools may ask parents to make a voluntary financial contribution. These are used to improve resources for student learning, recreation and comfort. The school should explain how the funds will be used. You are not obliged to contribute.

Voluntary financial contribution amounts and uses are agreed on by school principals, staff and Parents and Citizens Associations (P&C).

A voluntary financial contribution:

  • is not a fee
  • should be listed separately from any school fees and charges
  • is not part of a student resource scheme that might operate in the school.

If you disagree with the request for a voluntary financial contribution you can make a complaint or provide feedback.

Donations to schools

Contact the school if you’re a local business and would like to donate money to a school, or you would like to bequeath money to a school in your will.

Find school contact details in the schools directory or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Exemptions from compulsory schooling

An exemption is available when a child cannot attend, or it would be unreasonable for them to attend, school for a period of more than 10 consecutive school days.

For more information read the exemptions from compulsory schooling and compulsory participation procedure.

You can also contact your school for exemption information.

Find school contact details in the schools directory or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Other commonly referenced procedures