Rent arrears

Information for Queensland public housing tenants

You must pay your rent 2 weeks in advance for the public housing property you live in.

If you can’t pay your rent, please talk to your nearest Housing Service Centre.

Notice to remedy breach

If you fall behind in paying your rent, we will send you a Notice to remedy breach (Form 11). You have 14 days to pay the outstanding rent. You can talk to us about making an arrangement to repay your rent arrears over time.

Notice to leave

If you don’t pay your rent by the date stated on the ‘Notice to remedy breach’, we may send you a Notice to leave (Form 12). This Notice gives you 14 days to pay the outstanding rent or to move out.

Termination order

If you receive a ‘Notice to leave’ and don’t pay your outstanding rent or move out within the given timeframes, we may apply to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) to end your tenancy.

QCAT will tell you the date of your hearing. You can attend and explain to the tribunal member why you haven’t paid your rent or made a reasonable agreement to pay rent arrears.

The tribunal member will make a judgement. If QCAT grants a termination order and warrant of possession, you must move out by the set date.

For more information, contact your nearest Housing Service Centre.

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