My friend is being cyberbullied

If you have a friend who is being cyberbullied, find out what you can do to help and support them.

Stop the cyberbullying

Visit our section on how to stop cyberbullying to find support for your friend who is experiencing cyberbullying.

Reporting cyberbullying

Visit our section on how to report cyberbullying so you can show your friend how to stop the abuse they’re experiencing.

How to help someone who is being cyberbullied

Putting a stop to cyberbullying is everyone’s responsibility. If you know someone who is being cyberbullied there are things you can do to help.

Be an upstander, not a bystander

A bystander is a witness who sees or knows about bullying happening to someone else. If you see bullying behaviour online, don’t just let it slide.

Step up to stop bullying

If you see a bullying situation, it can be hard to know what to do. Learn how to stand up against bullying.

Being a bystander of bullying

Read some bullying bystander stories from young people and find out what they did about it.

How to be an upstander

An upstander is someone who takes action against bullying behaviour. Find out how to be one.

Which Harry Potter upstander are you?

If you’ve seen someone being bullied and you’re stumped on how to tackle the situation, it can help to reflect on other peoples’ experiences. Take this quiz to get inspired.