How to refer children to SwimStart

When you register as a SwimStart referral agent you will be declaring that, in your professional capacity, you have identified children who genuinely require financial assistance to join a registered provider.

If a child has a valid Services Australia Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it or be listed on the parent, carer or guardian’s valid Medicare card they do not need a referral agent and can apply directly online when the round opens.

You can help families to access SwimStart vouchers by:

  • helping families set up an account and apply for a voucher
  • providing access to a computer
  • helping families to find a registered SwimStart activity provider
  • applying for SwimStart vouchers on their behalf.

We want you to refer eligible children and young people to SwimStart by:

  • forwarding the invitation you receive from the department to parent/guardian/carer (for them to complete the application) or apply for a voucher/s on the parents' behalf.
  • demonstrating the reasons for referring a child/young person to the program if requested to do so by the department. This may include how the child/young person "can least afford or may otherwise benefit" from joining a SwimStart activity provider.
  • having known the child/young person in your professional capacity for a minimum of 3 months.

Only refer children who can use the voucher

Vouchers issued by referral agents are limited as a percentage of the overall vouchers available for each round. Please consider this when requesting voucher numbers, and ensure vouchers are for children in genuine financial need.

Families must be able to pay any ‘gap’ in membership, registration or participation fees if the costs are greater than $150.

Referring family members

You cannot refer an immediate family member, but you can refer a child or young person that is part of your extended family. You still need to demonstrate the reasons why the child should receive support.

Referring children to an organisation you are part of

If you are a member or employee of a SwimStart activity provider then you cannot refer a child to that same organisation. However, you can assist the parent, guardian or carer in applying for the voucher or locating a different SwimStart activity provider.

How to apply for a SwimStart voucher on a family’s behalf

When you are logged in and on your home page, click ‘Apply’ next to ‘Referral agent – voucher application’.

If applying with a mobile phone, please flip your phone to landscape mode for the ‘Apply’ button to appear on the screen.

1. User Profile

  1. Click to open and read the Privacy Statement. You will need to click ‘OK’ in the pop-up.
  2. Review your account details to ensure they are correct. If any details need updating, update them by clicking on the link and using the ‘Edit’ buttons.
  3. If your details are correct you can use the arrows at the top of the page to navigate each step. Only click ‘Submit’ when your application is complete.

2. Child/Young Person Details

  1. Enter the child/young person’s first and last names
  2. Enter the child/young person’s residential address – eligible participants must reside in Queensland. Start typing and suggested addresses will pop up. Select the correct address or click ‘Cannot find your address?’ and type in each line.
  3. Select the gender of the child/young person.
  4. Answer the questions as listed.
  5. Enter your Medicare Card details including the:
    1. Card colour
    2. Card number
    3. Card expiry date
    4. Child's name
    5. Child's reference number
    6. Child's date of birth
  6. Click the right arrow (>) at the top or bottom of the screen to proceed.

(this information is used for reporting purposes only)

  1. Select the relevant responses for the child/young person.
  2. Click the right arrow (>) at the top or the bottom of the screen to proceed.

3. Summary and Submit

  1. Review the details provided and confirm they are correct. If any information needs updating, click the left arrow (<) or the relevant section header on the left and update as required.
  2. You must view the Terms and Conditions by clicking on the link before proceeding.
  3. Tick the box to indicate you have read and agree to the terms and conditions and that the information supplied in the application is true and correct.
  4. Click ‘Submit’ at the top or bottom of the page to submit your application.

4. Voucher notification

  • You will be notified on screen if you are successful/unsuccessful in your application.
  • If you are successful in obtaining a voucher, you can access a copy of your voucher from the home page.
    • All your voucher applications will be listed under the ‘Voucher’ heading. Find your eligible voucher and click ‘Download’ on the right-hand side.
    • You can print your voucher or email it directly to your chosen activity provider. A pdf file of the voucher will also be sent to the email address you registered with.

If you are providing a copy of the voucher to a parent, guardian or carer please do as soon as possible so they can present the voucher to a registered activity provider before the voucher expiry date.

How to forward a SwimStart voucher invitation to a family

You can send an invitation to a parent, carer or guardian to complete the application on behalf of the child/young person.

  1. Login into your SwimStart account.
  2. Click on ‘Refer Invitation’ next to Referral agent – voucher application.
  3. Enter the parents email address that they have registered in Enquire.
  4. You will need to send 1 invitation per child/young person.