Calling a committee meeting

This information is relevant to community titles schemes registered under the:

  • Standard Module
  • Accommodation Module
  • Commercial Module

There is no committee under the Specified Two-lot Schemes Module.

Under the Small Schemes Module, committee meetings are called and held in the way decided by the committee. The committee also decides the time and place of the meeting. Read more about the committee structure under a Small Schemes Module.

Committee meetings are held for committee members to make decisions on behalf of the body corporate. There is no maximum or minimum number of meetings required each year. The committee meets as often as it needs.

The body corporate committee can also make decisions by conducting a vote outside a committee meeting, commonly referred to as a "VOC" or "flying minute".

Who can call a committee meeting

A committee meeting is called by either:

  • the secretary
  • the chairperson in the secretary’s absence
  • any committee member, in the absence of both the secretary and chairperson, with the agreement of a quorum of the committee
  • secretary, or chairperson in the secretary’s absence, if asked by a quorum of the committee in writing.

The meeting must be held within 21 days after the secretary or chairperson receives the request to call it.

If the meeting is not held within 21 days, the meeting may be called by another member of the committee as long as enough members to form a quorum agree.

The secretary and chairperson may be presumed absent if no reply is received to the request within 7 days after it has been sent to the body corporate address for service.

Meeting notices

Written notice of a meeting must be given to each committee member (including non-voting members). The notice must be given at least 7 days before the meeting or at least 2 days if all voting members agree in writing or at the last meeting.

Each lot owner must be given a copy of the notice and agenda (unless they request otherwise). It must also be put on the body corporate notice board, if any.

There is no requirement under the Small Schemes Module for notice of committee meetings.


The notice of the meeting must include an agenda that lists the issues to be considered. The committee can also consider other issues that are not on the agenda.

The agenda must include a motion to confirm the minutes of the last meeting as well as a motion to confirm any resolutions passed outside of a committee meeting.

For more information see:

Meeting location

The committee can decide where to hold a meeting. However it cannot be held more than 15 kilometres from the scheme land if half the number required for a quorum object in writing to the secretary.

The limit about the number of kilometres does not apply to schemes registered under the Commercial Module.

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