Being offered housing

If you are on the Housing Register, we will contact you when a property is available for you. You will be asked if you can move into the property and, if you can, you will be asked to view the property.

Which area will be offered?

If you are offered housing, it will be from one of the areas you have listed on your application form.

The type of property offered to you

You will be offered housing of any type (e.g. house or a duplex) with the number of bedrooms you are entitled to.

Inspecting the property

If you are offered housing, we can arrange for you to view the property. Local housing staff will assist with gaining access to the property.

Accepting the offer

When you return the keys, you must tell Housing staff if you accept the offer or not. If you accept the offer, Housing staff will then arrange for you to sign a tenancy agreement.

What if I cannot accept the offer?

If you cannot accept the offer you must have an acceptable reason. You may need to provide evidence to show why you cannot accept the offer.

Acceptable reasons for refusing the offer

You must have an acceptable reason if you refuse an offer of housing, for example:

  • too far from essential services, including medical and support services
  • specific employment and education needs, or
  • cultural reasons.

No response to an offer

We will do our best to contact you, by phone, email or SMS, sending you letters or visiting your home. If we have done everything we can and there is still no response from you, your offer may be cancelled.

More information

Please talk to Housing staff if you need more information about being offered housing from the department.