Fees for appeals and declarations

There is a fee for appealing to the Development Tribunals.

You can’t get a refund if you lodge an appeal and then withdraw the appeal. Additionally, you can’t get an appeal fee waived due to financial hardship.

You can pay fees:

Some common appeal and declaration fees are shown below. The fee amount varies depending whether the tribunal needs to do a site inspection.

See the full list of fees in the Planning Regulation 2017 Fee Schedule Guide (Table 4 - Tribunal fees, Schedule 17 on pages 12 to 17).

To confirm which fee applies, contact the Registrar:

Subject of appeal or declaration

Fee—no site inspection

Fee—with site inspection

Class 1 or Class 10 building



Class 2 to Class 9 building (floor area of 500m2 or less)



Class 2 to Class 9 building (floor area of 500m2 or more)



Appeals under the SEQ Water Act:

Section 99BRBE

Section 99BRBF or 99BRBFA





Infrastructure charges notice or conversion application



