Safety information for light-based cosmetic services

Light-based cosmetic services refer to a range of cosmetic procedures including:

These services use laser or other intense light sources, such as intense pulsed light (IPL) sources, however a single device is not able to perform every type of service.

How laser and IPL devices work

Lasers produce a beam of light that targets a more specific area of skin than intense light devices. Intense light devices use multiple wavelengths of light that will spread as it travels, becoming less intense and targeting a more general area.

Intense light sources, such as IPL devices are more commonly used for general services in the superficial (upper) layers of the skin. Lasers are better suited for targeted superficial and deeper skin services for example tattoo removal.

Ensuring your service is safe

As these devices direct high-intensity light at the skin to alter a person’s external appearance, the services come with significant risk. The safety of your service will depend on many factors, including:

  • what the service is
  • how your skin responds to laser or intense light
  • the training, skills, and expertise of your technician
  • the quality of the device
  • what part of your skin is being targeted.

While the information below outlines what to expect with hair reduction, skin rejuvenation and capillary reduction, it is still important that this information is discussed with your technician during the initial consultation. This should be part of your process for choosing a safe, reputable provider.

During your initial consultation your technician should discuss what level of risk you face. They may advise that the risk is too high to go forward with the service. Read more about understanding the risks associated with these services and how to minimise them.

Hair reduction

Both laser and IPL devices can be used for hair reduction. The effectiveness of permanent hair reduction will depend largely on the quality of the device, settings used, operator skill and person having the service.

Laser and IPL devices use wavelengths of light that affect the hair follicle. Depending on the device used, the wavelength will either target the pigment (melanin) or oxygenated blood (oxyhaemoglobin). The intense beam of light disrupts the root of the hair and prevents it from growing back.

Hair needs to be targeted in the anagen (growing) stage as the hair is still attached to the blood supply that provides nutrients required to grow. Not all hair is in the anagen stage at the same time, which is why multiple applications are required.

Laser and IPL devices do not effectively treat grey, white or red hair due to the lack of melanin; they work best on lighter skin types with darker hair.

Service plan

Consultation with a technician is an important step in choosing a reputable service provider. Based on this consultation, your technician should create a personalised service plan that includes information such as the expected number of applications needed, your skin type, equipment settings and your risk level.

Don’t rush the process. It’s important to allow the targeted area time to heal before continuing to another application, if one is required.

What to expect during the service

Your technician will explain how to prepare for the application, it’s important to follow their directions.

Your technician should also explain what you will feel during the application. This experience will vary depending on what type of device is being used, but the common sensations include:

  • a pain-free warming sensation
  • a rubber band-like flick of pain.

If at any point you are concerned or feel something is wrong during an application, stop the service.

After the application

Common reactions to hair reduction include:

  • mild redness
  • mild swelling
  • warmth

These symptoms usually disappear between 2-24 hours after an application. Avoid sun exposure after your service as your skin will be more sensitive to the light.

The technician should provide instructions on how to care for the targeted area after your application. It’s important that you follow their instructions carefully and contact them if you have questions after the application.

Skin rejuvenation

There are several different methods of skin rejuvenation that can be used to target physical attributes, such as:

  • skin tone and texture
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • freckles
  • redness
  • scars
  • pigmentation variations

Each type of skin rejuvenation service will have its own processes and risks. Some forms of skin rejuvenation include:

  • fractional laser resurfacing which uses a grid of light to damage skin and stimulate collagen production
  • pigmentation reduction where light is absorbed by melanin (pigment) in the skin and is eventually removed through the body’s natural processes.

Service plan

Consultation with a technician is an important step in choosing a reputable service provider. Based on this consultation, your technician should create a personalised service plan that includes information such as the expected number of applications needed, your skin type, equipment settings and your risk level.

Don’t rush the process. It’s important to allow the targeted area time to heal before continuing to another application, if one is required.

What to expect during the service

Your technician will explain how to prepare for the application, it’s important to follow their directions.

Your technician should also explain what you will feel during the application. This experience will vary depending on the type skin rejuvenation service and the device used, but the common sensations include:

  • a pain-free warming sensation
  • a rubber band-like flick of pain
  • a flash of light from the device
  • a warm and tingling sensation

If at any point you are concerned or feel something is wrong during an application, stop the service.

After the application

Your technician should discuss what to expect from your specific service, some common reactions to skin rejuvenation include:

  • mild redness
  • darkening of pigment spots
  • mild crusting/scabbing

Over 2-4 weeks the darkening should start to lighten as the skin’s cell turnover process occurs. Avoid sun exposure after your service as your skin will be more sensitive to the light.

The technician should provide instructions on how to care for the targeted area after your application. It’s important that you follow their instructions carefully and contact them if you have questions after the application.

Capillary reduction

Capillaries are fine blood vessels, both laser and IPL devices can be used to reduce their appearance.

During this service, light targets oxygenated blood in the capillary causing it to thicken, some devices will cause holes in the vessel walls, eventually the capillaries will collapse and be removed through the body’s natural waste system.

Service plan

Consultation with a technician is an important step in choosing a reputable service provider. Based on this consultation, your technician should create a personalised service plan that includes information such as the expected number of applications needed, your skin type, equipment settings and your risk level.

Don’t rush the process. It’s important to allow the targeted area time to heal before continuing to another application, if one is required.

What to expect during the service

Your technician will explain how to prepare for the service, it’s important to follow their directions.

Your technician should also explain what you will feel during the application. This experience will vary depending on what type of device is being used, but the common sensations include:

  • a pain-free warming sensation
  • a rubber band-like flick of pain.

If at any point you are concerned or feel something is wrong during an application, stop the service.

After the application

Capillaries can turn a brown colour or disappear immediately after an application. Common reactions to capillary reduction include:

  • mild sunburn sensation
  • mild swelling
  • mild redness
  • darkening of the capillaries
  • bruising
  • itching.

These symptoms usually last between 2-7 days. Avoid sun exposure after your service as your skin will be more sensitive to the light.

The technician should provide instructions on how to care for the targeted area after the application. It’s important that you follow their instructions carefully and contact them if you have questions after the application.

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