Induction of labour and augmentation

Why are inductions needed?

Induction of labour (IOL) is a relatively common procedure.

The IOL rate in Queensland is about 22%.

IOL is a procedure used to stimulate contractions, before labour begins on its own. It includes the use of medication or other methods to bring on (induce) labour.

The reasons that an induction could be recommended include:

  • your pregnancy is overdue
  • multiple pregnancy
  • your baby is small for their age
  • your membranes have ruptured (waters have broken) and labour has not started
  • certain medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cholestasis.

Your doctor or midwife will discuss the reason for your induction at your antenatal visit.

More information: Queensland Clinical Guidelines parent information – Induction of labour

In this guide:

  1. Why are inductions needed?
  2. Frequently asked questions – inductions
  3. Questions to ask about induction of labour
  4. Methods of induction
  5. Risks of induction
  6. Augmentation of labour

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