Reporting abuse

In an emergency—a life-threatening situation:

  • call Triple Zero (000) for police, fire or ambulance services.

Child abuse

Child abuse and neglect can be physical abuse or emotional abuse (or neglect). It can also be sexual abuse or exploitation.

Reporting child abuse

If you believe a child is experiencing harm, or is at risk of being harmed, find out how to report child abuse.

Please phone Triple Zero (000) if it’s an emergency or if you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation.

A child under protection

If you have information about a child we are protecting:

Domestic and family violence

Call Triple Zero (000) for police if you are in a life threatening situation.

Women, children and young people experiencing domestic and family violence can contact the DV Connect womensline for support.

  • Call 1800 811 811 (statewide, 7 day 24-hour service)
  • Information, support and counselling about domestic and family violence, women’s refuges, protection orders and safety.

DV Connect mensline offers support for men affected by domestic violence.

  • Call 1800 600 636 (statewide, 7 day 9.00am–12midnight service)
  • Information and help if you are a victim of abuse or if you caused abusive behaviour.

Find what legal help is available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their partners or carers who are a victim or a survivor of domestic and family violence or sexual assault (not perpetrators).

Elder abuse

Seniors experiencing abuse can get help.

Abuse of people with disability

  • Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is a national service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.
    • Call 1800 880 052 (Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Other types of abuse

Sexual abuse

Information about what is sexual abuse and what to do if you’ve been abused.


Find out what you can do about :

Know how to report abuse.
