Environmental reports online

The reports below provide information on specific environmental values, by location.

Reports are provided in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and are emailed to a valid email address.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Select your report/s
    • This report identifies MSES as referenced in the biodiversity state interest under the State Planning Policy (SPP). MSES encompass certain environmental values protected under Queensland legislation, for example, but not limited to, regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act, and protected areas under the Nature Conservation Act.
    • This report provides information on mapped regional ecosystems present at a location, their biodiversity status, short descriptions, known special values, associated broad vegetation groups and more.
    • This report details biodiversity and aquatic conservation values as identified by Biodiversity Planning Assessments (BPAs) and Aquatic Conservation Assessments (ACAs). BPAs identify terrestrial ecological values in a region, or bioregion, according to their conservation significance. ACAs are non-social and non-economic assessments designed to identify conservation values of wetlands at a user-defined scale.
    • This report summarises all wildlife records for conservation significant species (fauna and flora) within a specified location from the WildNet database.
    • This report summarises all wildlife records for all species (native and introduced fauna and flora) within a specified location from the WildNet database.
    • This report summarises all wildlife records for all pest species (introduced fauna and flora) within a specified location from the WildNet database.
    • This report summarises wildlife records for all weed species (introduced flora) within a specified location from the WildNet database.
  2. Choose your location
    1. Find location by *
    2. Lot on Plan

      Don't know your Lot on Plan?

      You can also search for Lot on Plan in the Queensland address and geocode checker.

    3. Central coordinates
    4. Resource tenure
      1. Type of tenure*
  3. Receive your report Enter your email address to receive your report.

More about the reports

The information you enter is used to process your request and is collected and logged for quality assurance and product enhancement purposes only.

The average file size is 3.5MB.

Any queries about using this service should be emailed to the relevant contact for the report:

Please note: the spatial datasets used in producing the custom reports available above, in many instances may only be considered indicative of the theme they are intended to represent and may only be partially complete in terms of identifying the relevant values and features within an area. Actual values may be present on site which are not identified through state mapping for a range of reasons including, but not limited to, incomplete map coverage, mapping scale limitations, map errors and accuracies. A number of the spatial datasets used in the reports, can be downloaded via the Queensland Spatial Catalogue—QSpatial.