Regrowth benefits interactive map

Use this interactive map to find information about particular places (sites) and their suitability for regrowing native forest.

It has information about:

  • carbon potential
  • threatened species that may benefit from new habitat
  • biodiversity benefits
  • key state government regulations relevant to regrowth management.

Use the map

  1. Search or navigate to an area of interest.
  2. Select sites by clicking on the site selector and then on locations of interest.
  3. Review site-specific data including indicative carbon storage rates for forest regrowth, and biodiversity and management information. There are also links to Queensland regulations
  4. View layers for specific spatial data, including pre-clearing regional ecosystems.
  5. Use the colour ramps (colour gradients) to see how the potential benefits from native forest regrowth change across sites.

Data is indicative only. It may be suitable for initial assessment but should not be solely relied upon for decision making.

Colour ramp

The colour ramp (colour gradient) can be tuned to show spatial variation in benefits to native wildlife, or potential for carbon storage, or a combination of the two.

The colour ramp for potential biodiversity benefit is based on the principle that regrowth will be most beneficial where it addresses past habitat loss. It is based on 4 equally weighted components:

  1. The amount of clearing that has occurred in the regional ecosystem the regrowth represents (or could develop into). Regrowth of more extensively cleared regional ecosystems will offer greater benefit.
  2. The amount of clearing that has occurred in the landscape supporting the regrowth. Regrowth in more extensively cleared landscapes will offer greater benefit.
  3. The number of threatened species that may be supported by the regrowth. Regrowth in areas that may support more threatened species will offer greater benefit.
  4. The extent to which the regrowth is connected to remaining native ecosystems. Regrowth will be more beneficial if it is connected to existing natural habitat such as remnant forest.

The colour ramp for potential carbon storage is based on forest productivity mapping developed for Australia’s National Carbon Accounting System (for details see Richards G.P. and Brack C. (2004) A continental biomass stock and stock change estimation approach for Australia. Australian Forestry 67, 284–288).