About the EIS process

Terms of reference (TOR)

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) the terms of reference (TOR) set out the content requirements of the environmental impact statement (EIS).

Proponents use the department’s approved form for a draft TOR (also referred to as the ‘generic terms of reference’) to develop a project-specific draft TOR.

The project-specific draft TOR is submitted to the department and is then released for public consultation. During the consultation period, the department seeks and considers relevant advice, comment or information from anyone to ensure that their interests are addressed in the TOR. You can find more information on how to have your say on an EIS. After the public consultation process the department issues a final TOR that the proponent must address in the preparation of their EIS.

What happens after the TOR Process?

The proponent has up to two years from receiving the final TOR to develop the EIS, but this can be extended (by agreement) once during that two year period.

In this guide:

  1. Types of EIS
  2. Does my project need an EIS?
  3. Terms of reference (TOR)
  4. Developing an EIS
  5. Pre-lodgement service
  6. Applicable fees
  7. Other resources for EIS

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