Find addresses

Property addresses are allocated by local councils and compiled into a central dataset by the Queensland Government.

These official addresses can be accessed as downloadable datasets or via tools and can be viewed in the Queensland Globe, as well as in the other sources listed below.

View addresses in the Queensland Globe

You can view land parcel information in context with over 600 other data layers as a map.

Download property address data

Access property address data in different file formats in the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial).


Connect to a web map service

You can connect to a live web map service which displays land parcel and related property information.

Use address checker tools


Access our address checker to transform a physical address into geographical coordinates or vice versa.

Read more about how to use these geocoder tools.

Property location service

Access our property location service to validate Australian addresses and Queensland property descriptions. This information can be integrated into applications and can supply location data using a corresponding geocode.

Find out more

Questions about your address

If you have any issues or queries regarding your address, please contact your local council for details.