Queensland address and geocode checker

Use our address checker to transform a physical address into geographical coordinates or vice versa. For example you can use this geocode tool to find the:

  • lot on plan of a Queensland address
  • coordinates (latitude and longitude) of an address or lot on plan
  • address using the lot on plan or coordinates.

About the checker

The addresses are updated regularly from data supplied by local councils. You can search a single address/location or upload a csv file with up to 5,000 addresses or locations.

Note: The geocoder works best with modern internet browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Uploading a batch file with multiple addresses or locations

Follow the guidelines below and see the examples to make sure your file is processed correctly.

Uploading a file

The geocoder accepts comma separated (csv) files containing no more than 5,000 requests (rows).

The file can be created in a spreadsheet program such as Excel.




  • Your csv file should have 2 columns - the first for address (e.g. street number and name) and the second for locality (e.g. suburb or city). Include the postcode if known in the locality column
  • Check you have the correct spelling and use valid street type abbreviations
  • Units, flats or suites - use a forward slash (/) as a divider, e.g. 52/258 Spring St
  • Street number range - use a hyphen (-), e.g. 41-43 Grosvenor Terrace
  • Building name - include this in brackets at the end of the locality, e.g. 100 Main St Ashmore (Dolphin South)
  • Include building levels or suites if known

Lot on plan



  • Your csv file should have 2 columns - the first for lot number and the second for plan number
  • A lot on plan can have multiple addresses associated with it. This will be visible in the output file or include a note with the relevant lot/plan




  • Your csv file should have 2 columns - the first for latitude, the second for longitude
  • Coordinates must be in decimal degrees DD.ddddd (e.g. 153.015922)
  • Latitudes must be negative -DD.dddddd (e.g. -27.413099)
  • Do not use commas in your coordinates

Automatic or interactive modes

The batch request can be set to be:

  • Automatic - outputs responses that have a single candidate returned and a high confidence value. Any request not meeting the criteria needs to be reprocessed as a single request or as an interactive batch request.
  • Interactive - allows you to select the best match from a list of candidates when more than 1 candidate is available.

The interactive option is time consuming for large files and the service will time out after 10 minutes of inactivity (your work isn’t saved). We recommend you use the automatic option first, then use the interactive mode in manageable lists to check any requests that failed in the automatic process.

Output options

You can receive output as a csv file and/or a spatially enabled kml file.

kml output

The kml file can be saved and opened in a spatial application or viewed as an additional layer on Queensland Globe (see the help documents for details). Addresses (with address attributes) can be viewed over imagery. Only address records with valid response are output to the kml file.

csv output

The csv file can be opened in any spreadsheet program. The csv includes input fields and a uniqueID field for sorting output to match input records. Only a Primary address is returned even if an alternative address is input. A full list of information about the proceed records is also provided.

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