Wave generators

The QGHL’s flume and basin wavemakers generate random or regular waves to investigate transformation processes and impacts on structures. The facility includes one 1m flume piston paddle and four 5m long-crested basin wavemakers.


  • Basin paddles may be configured in various ways to provide a wavemaker frontage of up to 20m wide. The basin paddles can operate in water depths up to 1m.
  • Basin paddles can run separately and simultaneously. For example, 2 x 10m paddles may be configured with different orientations to investigate the effects and interactions of the simultaneous wave directions.
  • The paddle frames and actuators are constructed from stainless steel and anodised aluminium materials.
  • The electric servo motor drive actuators achieve high accuracy and precision in paddle position. This precision and accuracy provide excellent repeatability in model tests, essential when multiple runs may be required.
  • Wave generation software can produce an extensive range of regular and irregular wave spectra as well as user-defined pre-recorded waves to meet the wide range of requirements for physical modelling activities.
  • The wave generating capability is depth-dependent, i.e., the maximum wave size increases with increasing water depth at the paddle.