Foster carer agreement

A foster carer agreement is a written agreement between you, Child Safety and your foster and kinship care service, that:

  • sets out the terms, conditions and responsibilities between you and the child safety service centre or the foster and kinship care service
  • identifies the types of care you wish to provide and your capacity for providing care
  • outlines your ongoing development and learning requirements, and
  • articulates your support needs and how they will be met.

Your foster carer agreement will be reviewed at the time of your renewal of approval as a foster carer. You are encouraged to raise any issues affecting you during the review including:

  • any changes to placements you are not willing to accept
  • your readiness for other types of care
  • any changes to the age range of children or placement types you are prepared to care for
  • the effect of caring on you and your family
  • positive learnings or difficulties you have experienced
  • learning needs or gaps that you would like addressed
  • the adequacy of the supports provided to you and any changes to these supports.

There are other times when your foster carer agreement should be reviewed, including:

  • a change in your personal circumstances
  • a change to your personal history (or that of another adult member of your home)
  • if you intend on caring for other children (for example, family day care)
  • if there are ongoing standard of care concerns about the quality of care being provided.

A foster carer agreement is not developed for a kinship carer, as their support needs are specific to the child placed in their care and are recorded in the placement agreement.

You will be provided with a copy of the signed foster carer agreement.