Our Thriving Digital Future: 2023–2026 Action plan

Over the life of Our Thriving Digital Future (PDF, 664.5 KB) , updated action plans will introduce the initiatives and actions that will propel Queensland to a digitally thriving state.

The first 2023–2026 Action Plan (PDF, 780.1 KB) focuses on the first steps towards achieving our vision. It documents our commitment to building a solid foundation through partnerships to:

  • unlock the value of the digital economy for all Queenslanders
  • grow Queensland’s businesses, industries and digital talent
  • create a more digitally-enabled and responsive government.

Organising for success

We will establish the Digital Economy Program Office in the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy to provide coordination and support across government, and to track the delivery of initiatives and outcomes.

We will collaborate, engage and co-design across government and with Queenslanders, business, industry and the university and research sector to embed innovation and digital transformation and identify opportunities to adopt new technologies faster.

We remain committed to improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We will develop a First Nations digital strategic plan in partnership with First Nations Queenslanders. This plan will provide digital pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the state and improve digital connectivity, employment and inclusion opportunities.


Digital Customer

Developing a digital inclusion strategic plan

Establishing new Indigenous Knowledge Centres in remote and discrete communities, and improving the viability of existing centres

Employing Regional Digital Development Officers, operating from local libraries, to help identify opportunities for regional communities to realise their digital potential

Co-designing and delivering the next deadly digital communities program, working closely with Elders and First Nations communities

Exploring options for students to have access to suitable connectivity and devices both at school and at home to ensure they have the skills of the future

Improving access to qualified teachers and online lessons for deaf/hard of hearing and/or blind/vision impaired students in isolated, rural, and remote locations

Using digital technologies to keep Queenslanders safe by making it easier for vulnerable Queenslanders to access hardship payments and support services

Developing a digital design system aligned to the digital service standard

Delivering the Queensland Health Virtual Healthcare Strategy

Delivering the Digital Strategy for Rural and Remote Healthcare

Digitising Queensland Courts and Tribunals

Continuing to transform customer services to enable digital adoption wherever appropriate so departments provide efficient and timely services that require least customer effort

Delivering priority joined-up services with other jurisdictions including:

  • Birth of a Child
  • Digital Birth Certificate

Transforming the qld.gov.au digital presence and continuing integration with in-person support and other assisted channels (e.g. telephony, click to chat)

Delivering Smart Ticketing on the transport network—rollout is complete on the Gold Coast Light Rail and the SEQ Heavy Rail Network

Implementing the Queensland Digital Licence including an expanded trial in Townsville before being made available statewide

Transforming parks and wildlife services (including National Parks Booking Service replacement, Fire Information Management System and QWildlife)

Delivering the Accelerating Science Delivery Innovation (ASDI) Program

Delivering digital In-cell technology at Southern Queensland Correctional Precinct Stage 2

Delivering the Digital Engagement Strategy within the Youth Engagement Strategy

Developing a digital Statewide Crop Suitability Tool for soils and crops in Queensland

Save time and effort when starting and running a small business by using the Business Launchpad

Digital Government

Establishing core and common platforms across government (including e-invoicing, forms, APIs, cloud, secure data sharing)

Building innovation capability to shape future-focused digital policies, programs and practices

Delivering the Cyber Secure Queensland Strategic Plan and program

Continuing delivery of the state Digital Archiving Program

Continuing to work across government to maximise integration, coordination, collaboration and sharing of data and enhanced analytics

Delivering standardised Motor Accident Insurance Commission injury codes for Compulsory Third Party motor vehicle claims

Implementing the Future Procurement System to support local small-to-medium enterprises

Promoting the adoption of Building Information Modelling by Queensland Government infrastructure delivery agencies

Investigating the development of a Digital Twin Workbench

Continuing to:

  • expand mobile capability for frontline services through additional information-rich mobile devices, such as QLiTE devices
  • upgrade multiple sites in far north Queensland to high speed connectivity to improve bandwidth equity for Queensland police services
  • enhance officer safety through the QPS Satellite Push to Talk Migration including provision of Satellite Duress and Location Services

Delivering the Field Management Program – Moorings App

Digital Market

Developing and delivering a Queensland Digital Infrastructure Plan

Co-investing in digital infrastructure (funding and in-kind investments) with the Australian Government and industry

Co-investing in the Mobile Black Spot Program to improve mobile coverage and address mobile blackspots in regional Queensland

Developing an online portal that supports councils' elected representatives and staff, and builds capacity for councils to deliver services effectively

Exploring and trialling new and emerging technologies, such as Low Earth Orbiting Satellites, as key enablers of connectivity

Developing a Tourism Technology and Innovation Roadmap that supports more tourism businesses to adopt technologies and be more innovative in their tourism experience, service delivery and business sustainability

Partnering with DSDILGP, TIQ, DAF, DTIS, DoR and DESBT to:

  • develop a plan to attract, start, retain and grow digital businesses and industries in Queensland, particularly in regional centres
  • support existing and emerging industries to remain competitive through the adoption of new technologies including AI and traceability
  • continue to make it easier for small-to-medium enterprises to do business with government

Delivering Advance Queensland initiatives to support existing and emerging industries by:

  • supporting Queensland's statewide innovation hubs network
  • exploring opportunities to partner with innovation hubs to accelerate scale-up of innovative businesses for global markets
  • delivering the Deadly Innovation program

Delivering world-leading autonomous and robotic technologies through the Defence Cooperative Research Centre for Trusted Autonomous Systems

Delivering the Queensland Industry Capability Development Program

Delivering the Agribusiness Digital Solutions Grant Program and an AgTech roadmap for digital and technological transformation, including the Smart Farms initiative

Supporting greater uptake of emerging technologies through industry-research collaborations and alliances, and increasing the commercialisation capacity of Queensland universities

Encouraging and empowering exporters to use e-commerce as a channel to new markets

Supporting the critical minerals industry in Queensland with open data and innovation

Delivering next generation smart transport infrastructure for Queensland through the Cooperative and Automated Vehicle Initiative (CAVI) with trials rolled out across a range of areas including Ipswich, along the length of the Bruce Highway and Bundaberg

Exploring emerging business models for transport, e.g. Mobility-as-a-Service to introduce integrated planning, booking and payment for multi-modal journeys. A trial is currently underway with the University of Queensland

Supporting manufacturers to transition to advanced manufacturing (Industry 4.0 seminars and masterclasses, Technology in Manufacturing program, Digital Connectivity program)

Delivering the First Nations Digital Careers Program with Microsoft

Supporting new skillsets and micro-credentials in future technologies, in partnership with TAFE Queensland and the resources sector-led Queensland Future Skills Partnership

Delivering the annual Premier's Coding Challenge