Returning to the workforce

If you are thinking about returning to the workforce, there are a few things to consider so the transition is as easy as possible.

First, you need to think about what jobs will suit your needs, skills and experience. Finding a job that you enjoy and that is right for you is important. You can read more about this on our finding the right job page.

If you have been out of the workforce for some time, it may be worthwhile to rebuild your skills or learn new skills. One option is an apprenticeship or traineeship, which combines training with practical work. Other options include work experience, study or volunteering.

It is also important to consider what skills are currently in demand, as this will have an impact on the future prospects of some jobs. The Labour Market Insights website provides employment data by region and employment projections for the next 5 years.

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services offer specialised help and support for people with disability wanting to work. The services provided are tailored to the individual's needs and may include:

  • training in specific skills
  • developing a resume
  • interview skills training
  • on-the-job training once you have a job
  • help with workplace modifications.

Disclosure of disability

There is no legal obligation to disclose a disability to an employer, unless it affects your performance or safety, or the safety of co-workers. You can learn more about disclosure and privacy, including your rights and responsibilities, on the JobAccess website.

More information

  • JobAccess advisers can provide expert advice for people with disability wanting to return to work. Phone 1800 464 800.
  • JobSearch provides information about getting a job and offers an online database of available jobs.