Levy zone map

  • The levy zone covers 39 out of 77 local government areas in Queensland.
  • The exclusion of some local government areas recognises the different circumstances faced by remote and less populated communities in Queensland, and removes the costs of administering, remitting and reporting against the levy in these regional areas.
  • Measures are in place to ensure that these areas outside the levy zone do not become ‘dumping grounds’ in efforts to avoid paying the levy.
  • The levy zone is divided into two areas:
    • the metro zone—comprising of the 12 south-east Queensland local government areas
    • the regional zone—made up of the remaining 27 local government areas in the current levy zone.
  • Type in an address, location name or postcode to find out if your local government area is in the metro levy zone (purple), regional levy zone (green) or non-levy zone (grey).