Preventing the spread of significant invasive plants (weeds)

Preventing the spread of invasive plants is difficult, as many invasive plants have physical characteristics that allow their seeds and other reproductive parts to be easily transported over long distances.

Seeds 'fly' on the wind, ride river currents, hitch a lift on shoes, clothing, vehicles and machinery, and attach themselves to pet fur, livestock and wildlife. Seeds and plant parts can also hide in soil, water, mulch, animal feed and herbivore faeces.

Whenever people or animals move through infested areas, there is a chance that invasive plants will be spread to new areas. Invasive plants have the potential to adversely alter ecosystem function, reduce primary industry productivity and profitability, and seriously limit the long-term sustainability of all the state's agricultural and natural resources.

Highly invasive plants threaten grazing lands, waterways, national parks and urban environments. In Australia, the cost of invasive plants impacts on agriculture has been estimated at $4 billion a year (excluding the impacts on the environment and community).

More than 90 species of invasive plants have been recognised as prohibited or restricted invasive plants in Queensland under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Unless we take action now, the number of new incursions will continue to climb, adversely affecting our economy, environment and health, and our enjoyment of the outdoors.

One of the most cost-effective ways of control, is to stop them spreading and eradicate new infestations.

Under the Biosecurity Act 2014 everyone has a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to prevent or minimise the risks of spreading invasive plants. To meet your GBO consider the following information:

  • Identify the major invasive plants in your area. Your local government, Bushcare or Landcare group may provide you with more information.
  • Don’t pick flowers or plants that you can't identify - they may be invasive plants.
  • Before buying anything that may be contaminated with invasive plant seeds, ask the vendor if it could contain seeds. This will help inform your choice, as invasive plants can be transported as contaminants in soil, grain, hay, and mulch, and by livestock.
  • Stick to designated roads and tracks and avoid invasive plant-infested areas.
  • Clean your equipment, boots, vehicles and machinery when leaving known infested areas.
  • Clean-down (PDF, 1.4MB) off-road vehicles by blowing, vacuuming or washing dirt and seeds.
  • Check boats, propellers and trailers before entering or leaving waterways and remove any plant material.
  • Contact landowners before entering their properties and check what their requirements are for preventing spread.
  • Don´t dump invasive plants and garden waste in bush or parkland. Dispose of waste appropriately by transporting it safely to a waste disposal facility or burn it, bury it or add it to onsite mulching.
  • Never buy waterweeds or keep them in your ponds and aquariums.
  • Never dump aquarium plants, water or contents down drains or into waterways.
  • Check Australian Government import restrictions before ordering plant material from overseas, including bulbs and seeds purchased over the internet or by mail order.
  • Wash your car on the lawn to prevent detergent entering waterways via stormwater drains, as nutrient-enriched water and soil promote weed growth.
  • Review suggested weed control measures to manage and limit infestations before they spread and become a major problem.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about how to control and manage the spread of weeds within Queensland, contact the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23.

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