
Ranger team
Tagalaka Rangers
Host organisation
Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation

Tagalaka rangers work from their ranger base in Croydon to look after Tagalaka native title area, which extends across Croydon shire into Etheridge and Carpentaria shires.

Building upon comprehensive cultural mapping work undertaken previously, the ranger team’s priorities include:

  • cultural site management and protection works at identified sites on Littleton National Park (including knowledge transfer, and weed and feral animal management)
  • Littleton National Park annual fire management program in partnership with QPWS
  • plant health checks in Littleton National Park with QPWS botanists
  • monitoring of turtle populations and water quality of wetlands
  • school engagement activities
  • wetland conservation works, including feral pig trapping and cattle exclusion fencing of sensitive sites.

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