Bidunggu (Gregory)

Logo of the Ngumari Waanyi rangers
Ranger team
Ngumari Waanyi Rangers
Host organisation
Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (CLCAC) on behalf of Waanyi NTAC

The Ngumari Waanyi rangers care for Waanyi Country in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria. This includes Country surrounding Gregory, the Nicholson and Gregory River catchments, Lawn Hill, Riversleigh and Gregory Station.

Their priorities for work across Waanyi Country include:

  • increasing knowledge and protection, and improving the condition, of cultural heritage sites
  • reducing Weeds of National Significance (including parkinsonia, prickly acacia, rubber vine, bellyache bush and neem tree) and associated improvement to the health of native vegetation communities
  • controlling large vertebrate pests, with associated improvements to land and freshwater country including in biodiversity values and soil and water quality
  • reducing large-scale high intensity fires through implementation of early season burning practices to improve biodiversity values, soil health, water quality and carbon storage
  • early detection of exotic pests and diseases and intervention for any identified biosecurity threats to increase protection of ecological communities and agricultural industries.

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