Paying tolls

Regular toll road users should consider opening an account with a toll payment provider. Toll payment providers offer a range of account products which may be used on any toll road in Australia.

In Queensland, the toll payment provider is Linkt. To pay your toll please contact Linkt on 13 33 31 or at

Information on interstate toll payment providers may be found at:

For visitors, occasional and casual toll road users, a toll may be paid up to 3 days after using a toll road. To arrange payment for toll roads in Queensland, contact the Queensland toll payment provider, Linkt.

Unpaid tolls

If you drive on a toll road, and did not arrange payment before travel or pay your toll within 3 days, the vehicle’s registered owner will receive an unpaid toll notice from that toll road’s payment provider. This notice may also include additional fees. The notice will include instructions on how to pay.

Rental vehicles

If you rent a vehicle, check with the rental company about their tolling arrangements. You may need to note the rental vehicle’s number plate to pay the toll, including its state of registration if it is not registered in Queensland.

See Also

Toll roads
Toowoomba Bypass