Check if a blue card is valid

Before starting a person in child-related work or allowing a business operator/contractor to enter the child-related environment, you can check if their blue or exemption card is valid by using this online validation tool.

This tool can be used to check the validity of a volunteer, paid employee or business operator’s blue or exemption card.

When validating a person’s blue or exemption card, it’s a good idea to also check these details against another form of photo identification.

Using this tool provides confirmation of a card holder’s status at the time the validation was completed. You can print or save a copy of the online validation results for record keeping.

All card holders are monitored daily by the Queensland Police Service. Because of this, we update our system regularly, which may sometimes cause a short interruption in accessing the tool.

This tool does not link a card holder to an organisation. It is essential that organisations use the Organisation Portal to link card holders before they start working in child-related employment and to view their employees’ card status.

Complete a card validity check

  1. I am checking the validity of a
  2. (If you chose 'Blue card' above)
  3. (If you chose 'Exemption card' above)