Report online auction fraud

You may be the victim of fraud if you:

  • have paid for something online and not received it
  • sold something online and not received the money for it.

Steps for reporting fraud

There are 3 steps you should follow to report online auction fraud.

1. Report the fraud to the online auction website (more than 70% of disputes can be resolved in this way).

2. Find out where the offender lives (this is the person or company you bought the item from or sold to, not the online auction business).

3. Make a complaint to police.

Read more about reporting:

Report it to us

You can report the fraud to us online if the offender is located in Queensland.

Report a Queensland online auction fraud

Keep your emails

Online auctions always involve emails between you and the buyer or seller. Keep all of the original emails in your inbox. This will help us with your complaint.

More information