Becoming a marriage celebrant

A registered marriage celebrant can conduct legal marriages in Australia and ministers of religion are also able to legally marry people in Australia—this does not include conducting civil partnership declaration ceremonies.

There are 4 types of marriage celebrant authorised to marry couples:

Find out how to register as a civil partnership notary to conduct civil partnership declaration ceremonies.

Registered marriage celebrants can now apply to register marriages electronically.

Marriage celebrant duties

After you become qualified as a registered marriage celebrant, you will need to:

How to become a civil marriage celebrant

To become a registered civil marriage celebrant, religious marriage celebrant or a celebrant of an independent religion (not a recognised denomination), you need to apply to the Australian Government.

Religious marriage celebrant

On 9 December 2017, amendments to the Marriage Act 1961 commenced to create a new subcategory of marriage celebrant, known as a ‘religious marriage celebrant’.

The Australian Government has further information about religious protections for marriage celebrants (PDF, 167KB).

How to become a minister of religion marriage celebrant

Religions of recognised denominations can have their ministers living in Queensland registered as a minister of religion marriage celebrant through us.

How to apply:

  1. Contact the nominating authority for your recognised denomination.
  2. Get the nominating authority to complete a nomination of minister of religion – application for registration of minister of religion as marriage celebrant from CanPrint Communications.
  3. Sign the completed nomination application form.
  4. Complete an additional information form to support your application.
  5. Submit your application and additional information forms either:
    1. by email to
    2. by post to Attention: Accounts Clients, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, PO Box 15188, CITY EAST QLD 4002
    3. in person, on behalf of your nominating authority, at the Brisbane registry customer service centre at Level 32, 180 Ann Street, Brisbane.

For more information

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