Retraining or upgrading your skills

The most important thing when retraining or upgrading your skills is to find a course or program that will suit your needs.

Find a course

The following links will help you find a course if you want to retrain or upgrade your skills:

  • Course information—find a course through a registered training organisation, agricultural college or university. Information about enrolling at university and pathways to university are also provided.
  • Short courses—find TAFE and university short courses, computer courses, or literacy and language classes.
  • Free and subsidised training—find information on free and subsidised training to help with the costs of retraining or upgrading your skills.

You can also read about costs and financial help.

Professional development

Professional development is not just about formal study.

You may be looking for short courses or for ways to improve your industry currency. You may just want to brush up on personal skills like communication or leadership.

Read more about professional development and networking.

Industry job trends and statistics

Knowing which industries are expected to witness growth now and in the future may help identify the training you want to complete.

Industry job trends and statistics will help you:

  • identify which industries in Queensland are expected to experience growth
  • find statistics that show the latest trends in Queensland's labour force including which occupations are experiencing skills shortages.

Career advice

Career advice is available including career planning, counselling, and advice when changing careers.

You can also find out how to match your skills to jobs—look at skills required for specific careers and then identify the training you need to address any skill shortages you may have.